We've had a rough few weeks since Kailyn started teething. Neither Helen nor I have gotten much sleep as Kailyn was waking up about once every hour, every night for a while.
We attended to her thinking she was in pain and also wanting to quiet her down so she (and us) would fall back asleep since we all sleep in the same room. But after a few days we realized that maybe she was just getting used to us putting a pacifier in her mouth and had forgotten how to sooth herself back to sleep like we trained her to do a few weeks before the teething started.
So last night, as we neared out wit's end we decided to sleep in the other room, let her cry it out and see what happened. Amazingly, she cried for a little bit, but then stopped and slept soundly for most of the night. We were overjoyed and celebrated...by sleeping.
As parents it's hard to tell if your baby is truly *in pain*, or just being *kind of a pain* by crying to get attention. We wanted to err on the side of safety at first, but now it seems clear that the baby is doing just fine, especially when we go to her crib and she gives us a smile that says, 'Gotcha, suckers!'
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