Happy five months to Kailyn! Hard to believe she's already been here for nearly half a year. It seems like just yesterday she arrived. Then again, there are also times when it feels like she's been here forever (usually when she's screaming uncontrollably, which is thankfully pretty rare.)
In this time, I have to say I've really taken to being a dad. Sure, there are times when I miss having my 'me time,' but it's more than offset by the enjoyment I get when I come home from work and see her smiling face, or take a walk on Broadway and have people comment on how cute she is.
In honor of the five-month milestone, (and taking a cue from the webinar I listened to at work today which mentioned how popular lists are online) here are the Top Five Reasons I'm Glad Kailyn is Here:
1) She makes cool noises
2) Sunny disposition - she likes to smile and laugh, and is often in a good mood
3) She looks like a good mix of Helen and me
4) Photogenic - like her daddy, she knows where the camera is at all times
5) She is an easy baby - sleeps and eats when she is supposed to without much fuss
In fact, she's so easy that I'm in negotiations with Helen for another baby one of these days...
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