Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blogging is Fun!

As I sit here and try and stay quiet while Helen naps, I find myself being drawn to this new blog. It's kinda fun to write random things. As a quasi-professional writer, it comes pretty naturally to me, and I have discovered that I have a lot of thoughts going on in my head and a lot to say.

I imagine at some point I will exhaust all the things I'm thinking that I have yet to write down, and these entries will not be as frequent. But for now, I'll be a writin' fool, and not all of what I put here will be about the baby.

As proof, here's something that I think is kinda funny and completely off topic. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Enjoy!


  1. Love the blog so far, keep up the good work! Congrats to you and Helen, and I am sure you will be awesome parents! :)

  2. thanks sis! does any of this bring you back to your days of being pregnant?
