As we (very) quickly amass all sorts of baby stuff for Norby, I find myself becoming more and more educated about the kinds of different products out there and the different companies that produce them. What I'm finding is that it's secretly as much of a competition to have cool parent gear as it is to have the latest designer jeans, high-end hand bags or Air Jordans.

Just as there are different 'levels' of clothing stores (Nordstrom, Marshall's, Target) there are high, medium and low end baby companies. As much as I'd like to believe we don't care about having the 'cool' things for Norby, we definitely notice when other parents rock the latest diaper bag, have the 'nice' stroller or most state-of-the-art baby carriers.

I still have a lot to learn about baby gear 'name brands' but am getting smarter. I now even know what a PBK bedding set is. Soon, our conversations will sound less like 'Where'd you get those great sunglasses?' and more like 'So, did you up getting the Bob or McLaren stroller?'
SIDE NOTE: The title of this post could also refer to how freaking expensive baby stuff can be.
Gucci and Burberry's clothes for kids is real!
Madness. we went to the Buberry outlet near our house and they had a cute baby jacket. For $300+. Just couldn't justify it.