We plan on reading Norby bedtime stories every night, and one of them will likely be Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You remember that one - the little girl who ate the bears' porridge and slept in their beds, trying to find the ones that were to her liking.
Where we are in the baby planning process reminds me somewhat of this story. There are some areas in which I feel we are completely ahead of the curve - amassing baby clothes and accessories like a crib, stroller, etc., and other areas where it feels like we might be lagging behind. This is our equivalent of the 'too hot and too cold' extremes Goldilocks experienced.
I'm not sure if we're supposed to be at this point yet, but I have been asked by friends if we've set up a Norby college fund, picked out a daycare or signed up for birthing classes at the hospital. Nope, nope and nope. I hope this doesn't mean we're already bad parents or will be in for the shock of our lives when the baby arrives because we aren't ready.
After some self-analyzing, I have decided any inaction on our part is a reflection of Helen and my personalities - laid back, relaxed and even-keeled. I think we're good at not getting too high or low about anything, which will hopefully serve us well as parents. If there's something we need to get done, we'll do it, whether it's early in the process or later. Because of this attitude, I am confident that when it comes to baby Norby we're doing things juuuuuuust right.
No matter what happens, I guarantee we will be more prepared for our baby than these guys:
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