I often frequent a local used clothing store to update my wardrobe. It is a cost-effective way to rotate old clothes out and new clothes in, and with the brand name bargains I walk away with, I often feel like the male model above (minus the abs.) The best part is I can do this without having to attend a Shopaholics Anonymous meeting.
This place, which I refuse to name lest others find out about it's awesomeness, is located in an area of town where I am lucky the men who sell their clothes are super fashionable (read: gay), and even luckier the clothes fit me. For less money than it costs to buy a Banana Republic dress shirt, I can score a Hugo Boss one. Instead of shelling out beaucoup bucks for Kenneth Cole shoes, I can go in there and leave with a pair of Pradas. Getting that feeling of a shopping high without spending too much cash? Score!
This combination of frugality with a label whore's fashion sense has carried over into how we're preparing for Norby's arrival. We have been extremely fortunate to have lots of good friends who happen to have had baby girls recently, and are willing to give us the hardly worn and insanely cute clothes their girls have outgrown. As many parents know, and I have been constantly told, having a kid is VERY expensive. So if there are ways to cut down on costs, I'm all for it. Especially if we can do it and still have Norby look stylin'.
I don't know if it's a uniquely southern thing, but churches around here have HUGE children's consignment sales twice a year (spring and fall) where you can score barely used and even new clothes for super cheap. I've scored Baby Gap, Ralph Lauren and other high end baby clothes for just a couple of bucks an outfit and they look like they've never been worn. Might be worth checking out to see if the churches in your area hold consignment sales.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, thanks for the tip Meimi. I am pleasantly surprised at how new the used clothes we've received are, though it makes sense considering babies grow out of them in like three months!