The number 19 is a great number. It was worn by one of my favorite baseball players, 1975 A.L. MVP and Rookie of the Year, Fred Lynn of the Red Sox (the only other player besides Ichiro to win both honors the same year.) Additionally and more importantly, some might argue, exciting things are expected to happen during this week (#19) of the pregnancy.
According to what I've been reading, Norbit may be able to start hearing the outside world, could start kicking any day now, and looks like a mango covered in cheese. The 'cheese' part is a protective coating to prevent our little peanut from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, baby would look all shriveled up.
As for Helen, she is doing well. The fatigue is mostly gone, the leg cramps that some pregnant women experience have not materialized (yet) ands she has been in a great mood recently, saying funny things that make us both laugh.
Speaking of funny, when they say Norbit looks like a mango, I hope they're talking about the tropical fruit and not this old character from SNL:

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