Helen and I were excited to find out Norbit is going to be a girl! We went to the doctor's today, and did the longer, second trimester ultrasound, which included numerous 'photos' of our baby to make sure she was progressing correctly. It was kind of weird, but cool to see her spine, brain, fingers, toes and bones all very clearly. So far our baby girl (and Helen) are doing well.
It was honestly a bit of a shocker to learn Norbit is a she, since we'd been told by so many people (except Helen's parents) that we were going to be having a boy, based on a number of different criteria like food habits, etc. (see 'Boy oh boy?' post.) So Helen was ecstatic when the technician pointed out the baby had female parts. I asked if the tech was sure, because I think both Helen and I had mentally prepared for a little dude.
Immediately after learning the news, Helen and I went to Pottery Barn Kids where we proceeded to buy just about everything cute and frilly they had available in the store. By the time our baby girl is born I suspect there will be so much pink everywhere in our house, you will think a cotton candy machine exploded.
We are both so happy the baby is doing well, and while I was happy with either a boy or a girl, I know Helen is totally stoked that she will have a little girl to play with, dress up and teach things to. And I have to admit, I am sure I will melt the first time our little girl calls me 'daddy.'
I leave you with this video, which sums up how I'm feeling right about now...
Uhm...again, I knew you were going to have a girl. I am very good at these things.
ReplyDeletewell done, Yuni. Did you correctly pick the genders of both your kids also? If so, how?
ReplyDeleteYes. I believe I told Helen this, but during pregnancy had a dream and in the dream I was strolling Audrey along and saw her reflection in the window (I think I was shopping?). With pink bows and all (I believe). With Austin, I just knew during pregnancy.
ReplyDeletewow. you're like Nostradamus, without the the beard. ;)