Helen is starting to prepare the house for when Norbit comes. Maybe it's the nesting instinct people talk about pregnant women having. Whatever is happening, out go the final remnants of my pre-baby bachelor pad: the black leather couch and chair have been slated for replacement.
To be fair to our unborn child, this is really more like Stage Two of the redecorating process: the first stage took place after Helen and I got married and she decided she didn't like the round coffee table where I had eaten a majority of my meals the last few years. So we got rid of that, got a couple of ottomans to replace it, bought a dining room table and chairs (where she says adults eat) and voila, my former swinging singles shack became a home complete with plants, real photos on the walls and scented candles in the bathroom. All nice improvements, I must admit.
With all these changes, I find it amusing that we still have a PS2 gaming system and a TV from 2002 (at least it's HD-ready.) At some point we'll work on getting our electronics replaced, but for now I'm content to keep them and save our pennies for the countless diapers and other baby things we'll be buying in the coming months - and anything else Helen may want to buy to make the house more like a home.
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