Quite a past few weeks in the constant development of Kailyn. Here's the breakdown-
1) Standing. I walked into the baby's room the other morning to find her standing in her crib, smiling and bouncing up and down while her hands were on the railing for support. It was funny. When we watch TV, she'll also crawl around looking for something to grab onto to use as leverage and prop herself up.
2) Teeth. Kiki now has a couple of bottom teeth popping through her gums. They're not quite fully there, but are growing by the day, ready for solid foods. I've made the mistake of putting my finger in her mouth, and she chomps on it like it's dinner.
3) Crawling. She's learned to crawl forward, backwards, and every which way in between. This is significant because for a while, she could only go in reverse but hadn't quite grasped the concept of shifting into 'drive.' Now she's got that down and is mobile, and our lives have changed forever.

Now, I know many non-parents may be saying "whoop-dee-damn-do" like former Syracuse Orange hoops legend Derrick Coleman once famously said (see #10 on
this list for the reference) but for those who have gone through the excitement of seeing your kid make strides like these, you know these milestones are pretty cool. Especially since practice makes perfect!