DISCLAIMER: As I mentioned before, there will be times this blog has nothing to do with the pregnancy. This is one of those times.
On a recent episode of the TV show 'How I Met Your Mother,' the focus was on 'dopplegangers,' or strangers who looked alot like the main characters of the show. It got me wondering about people who I might look like, or who looked like me. I couldn't think of anyone famous (lack of high profile Asian American men in mainstream society, but that's a blog topic for another time), so I expanded that idea to people who are around my same age and grew up near me or went to my same high school, or whatever. I have thought to myself 'I could've been that person had things turned out a little differently,' even if it's totally not true. Here are my 'coulda been that guy' close calls, and my reasons why:

Ben and Matt: they grew up in a town close to mine; they are approximately the same age as me; I also once won an award, dressed up in a tux and took my mom as my date, like those guys did for the Oscars; they may have attended my high school prom.
NKOTB: Joey lived a mile away from both my parents and sister; some members of the band are approximately same age as me; I also know how to do the 'The Right Stuff' dance.

Conan O'Brien: Went to the same high school; he worked at both SNL and The Simpsons, I like SNL and The Simpsons.
After reading this, it sounds more like a 'Six Degrees of Separation' list than a 'I could've lived their life' list. My reality (and my doppleganger) is probably closer to this:
It made sense when I wrote it.