That said, there have been some nice things about today: the great Hawaiian-themed birthday party my coworkers threw for me complete with Kahlua pork, macaroni salad, mango-chocolate cake and hula lessons on YouTube (Mahalo, Mai Ling!) Then, there were the more than 100 birthday messages on Facebook sent from my friends and relatives from across the country including a very sweet note from Helen. Finally, we had dinner with some friends and I got to eat like it was my last day on earth. Oh yeah, Helen's gift to me was pretty good, too.
Of course, there's no better present that having a perfect little daughter, and the best part of my day was dropping in on Kailyn's movement class during my lunch break and seeing her face light up when she saw me walk through the door. Happy Birthday to me.
*UPDATE: This was also the best part of my day - seeing Baby K in a onesie that has 'I love Daddy' written in Chinese :)

Don't forget about the Hawaiian Bread my bread machine slaved over for hours! I'm glad you enjoyed the festivities! Have a great last year in your 30s!