One of my wife's friends once told me that the first year of being a dad was tough on him because he felt like all he was doing was giving/providing for his baby and he wasn't get much in return on his investment since his infant couldn't talk, express appreciation or show (much) emotion to him.
I was worried that I might feel the same way once we had our baby, but that hasn't been the case at all. In fact, in some ways I feel like we won the lottery with our kid. From the time Kailyn was born she has been an expressive, smiley and engaged little baby with pretty much everyone. Her eye contact has been really good since her first days. I feel a strong connection to her and am pretty confident that she sees me as a loved one - or at least the guy who feeds her and changes her diapers sometimes.
One of my pet peeves is doing work and not being appreciated for it. I never feel that way with Kailyn.
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