We went to a friend's house yesterday for a barbecue and to hang out on a nice summer day (hottest day of the year here: 85 degrees.) There were three boys there, all about 2 yrs old, and Kailyn. As you might imagine, the toys in the house were all cars or balls or fake tools, and the noise level from the boys was high as they would run in and out of different rooms, yelling and screaming. I think Kailyn was just stunned by it all. But unlike in previous social gatherings, where she got a little freaked out if people got too close
this time she took it all in stride and was cool and collected. Even after one of the little boys came up to her and took a swipe at her. Even after the same boy came over and sat down on her legs. And even after he took a tiny basketball and proceeded to bounce it off her head (okay, that one made her cry, but in her defense I think it was also her nap time. Otherwise I'm not sure she would've cried because she's so tough.)
I would like to have a boy if Helen and I decide to have another baby, but must say that I am pretty happy with a baby girl who just sits, observes and smiles instead of yells, throws things and generally causes mischief. Again, there was likely an age difference at play since the boys were a little older, but I somehow doubt our child will be bouncing balls off other kids' heads when she's 2.
Then again, ask me about whether I'd rather have a boy or girl again in 13 years, when Kailyn turns into an emotional teenager and tells us she hates us.
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