Because Kailyn is such a well behaved baby with us, it's easy for me to forget that's not the case with everyone else. Not that she's poorly behaved, she just acts a little differently.
For instance, this past weekend we hung out with a couple of other babies, and while I had visions of our daughter playing nicely with them and forming their own real-life Our Gang, she didn't exactly love the experience.

I found this to be interesting since she gets along great with just about everyone who has met her. Then I realized something - most of the people with whom she has interactions are adults. She's not used to hanging out with babies her own age yet, and I think it's thrown her off a little bit.
The good news is she just needs more exposure to little babies like herself, and I bet pretty soon she'll be just as smiley and charismatic as she is with us adults. In the meantime though, we'll just have some photos like these.
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