At the request of a certain needy co-worker who shall remain nameless (Jordan), I have decided to tell y'all a little bit about my place of work. It's a university that teaches natural medicine, acupuncture and nutrition. One might call it new age-y or touchy-feely That's cool with me, because as a result of the concentrations offered, the student body is 80% women. I guess chicks dig healing.
But surprisingly, the department in which I work is made up primarily of men, a rarity for a profession that is historically populated by women (marketing/pr) at a school that skews very female. We stick out like sore thumbs, especially when we walk down the halls together. It's sort of reminds me of this scene from 'Reservoir Dogs.' Minus the coolness.

Not that I'm complaining: There are (soon to be) five guys in a department of seven people - three of us work in the same office and we often joke that we represent about 17% of all the males on campus. We have dubbed our area 'The Man Cave.'
While it is probably somewhat messier and smellier than other offices on campus (since we're guys), I have to believe we also have a lot more fun than many other offices because we do things like post memorable quotes on our dry erase board, force each other to do push-ups and threaten to punch each other in the face almost daily. It's basically like we're the ones in college.
I suppose with that description, some might imagine a day in the Man Cave like this:
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