Recently Helen's had some restless nights caused by frequent trips to the bathroom and contractions so strong they keep her awake. Norby's not here yet, but already Helen's getting up every couple of hours because of the baby (good practice for the near future!)
Compounding matters is the fact that I sleep deeply for a long time, oblivious to the rest of the world - when Helen's gotten up, I've stayed down (unconscious) in bed. She had been nice enough to let me sleep during these episodes. Until yesterday, when she got a little upset...
Overcome by sheer exhaustion and frustration that the baby hasn't come yet, and seeing I was the only person around to yell at, she zeroed in and let me have it saying she was worried my uninterrupted sleep habits were a harbinger of things to come once Norby was here (her feeding/changing all hours of the night, me sleeping.) My counterpoint was that I was sleeping a lot now because I knew I wouldn't be sleeping much later, but that didn't seem to make her feel any better.
So to prove I could stay awake and be supportive, I practiced last night by downing some caffeinated soda and going to bed later than normal. Then this morning, I got up extra early. I'm not sure how exactly this represents me 'supporting' my wife, other than reinforcing the idea that misery loving company. Logical? Not exactly. But I get the sense that emotion > logic in the days before the baby comes.
Parents, I assume you've had this 'discussion' as well. Let's hear your stories.
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