So much has happened in the last few days I don't even know where to start- Helen was a warrior in the delivery room, getting an unexpected C-section after 13 HOURS of labor. I learned how to feed, burp, swaddle and change the baby, and we came home after just two days to introduce the baby to our crib.
Since we've been back, it's like the house is a totally different place. In addition to all the baby stuff lying around, I have discovered that to be a good dad means I can't concentrate on TV shows, the internet or video games with the same intensity as before, since my major focus is always on Kailyn.
Oh yeah, and she cries. A lot. And loudly. Like Puffy from the movie 'There's Something About Mary,' whom Ben Stiller thought was a cute little puppy until it bit him and dragged him across the floor, I was a little shocked about the ferocity with which she screamed. Our baby girl packs alot of punch in those small lungs.
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