As we near the third trimester, I look back at how wonderful things have been in the middle three months. The books I've read say this is when the mom-to-be feels best, is the most like herself and least nauseated. All true in Helen's case. She has been funny, cute and a total blast to be around.
I started to think about the home stretch recently and said to her 'I'm really going to miss you' for a couple of reasons. 1) because happy Helen may soon be replaced by angry Helen and 2) I have a feeling that once that she gets uncomfortable, moody and emotional, like she did in the first three months, I'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom again.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
No Doubt About It

Because I see them every day, it's hard for me to track the progression of Helen and Norby, size-wise. But I think it's fair to to say at this point, no one is mistaking my wife for being a bit overweight, and they're pretty sure she's pregnant.
Norby is protruding roundly and proudly from Helen's midsection. Just the other day a stranger asked Helen how far along she was. And because he wasn't an older Asian woman with no filter, he refrained from exclaiming 'You're so big!' So that was nice.
Helen is happy because she started showing a bit early in the pregnancy, and was a little worried that her tummy would continue to expand at an accelerated rate. Instead, she has slowed down and looks like a six-months pregnant woman 'normally' should look. Her doctor says she's doing well, and seems to be enjoying this part of the process. I probably should be taking more Aguilera-esque pregnancy photos of my wife, but I am a little reluctant since while it's great for memories, she might not like it right now.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last Big Trip
Helen and I will be soon be taking a cross-country plane trip to attend a wedding and see family members. While this vacation doesn't officially count as Norby's first since she is still inside Helen, there will definitely be differences between this trip and ones we've taken in the past, when our biggest worry was getting to the airport on time.
Though we won't have a diaper bag, strollers or a screaming baby on board, we will be needing things like a comfy pillow and lots of snacks to make sure Helen is comfy and Norby is nourished. I guess from here on out travel for us will be different.
Unfortunately, I'll need new reading material since I've already read all the books I had planned on saving for the flights, including Chuck Hogan's 'Prince of Thieves,' upon which this movie is based:
Though we won't have a diaper bag, strollers or a screaming baby on board, we will be needing things like a comfy pillow and lots of snacks to make sure Helen is comfy and Norby is nourished. I guess from here on out travel for us will be different.
Unfortunately, I'll need new reading material since I've already read all the books I had planned on saving for the flights, including Chuck Hogan's 'Prince of Thieves,' upon which this movie is based:
Friday, August 27, 2010
Overprepared or Barely Ready?

We plan on reading Norby bedtime stories every night, and one of them will likely be Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You remember that one - the little girl who ate the bears' porridge and slept in their beds, trying to find the ones that were to her liking.
Where we are in the baby planning process reminds me somewhat of this story. There are some areas in which I feel we are completely ahead of the curve - amassing baby clothes and accessories like a crib, stroller, etc., and other areas where it feels like we might be lagging behind. This is our equivalent of the 'too hot and too cold' extremes Goldilocks experienced.
I'm not sure if we're supposed to be at this point yet, but I have been asked by friends if we've set up a Norby college fund, picked out a daycare or signed up for birthing classes at the hospital. Nope, nope and nope. I hope this doesn't mean we're already bad parents or will be in for the shock of our lives when the baby arrives because we aren't ready.
After some self-analyzing, I have decided any inaction on our part is a reflection of Helen and my personalities - laid back, relaxed and even-keeled. I think we're good at not getting too high or low about anything, which will hopefully serve us well as parents. If there's something we need to get done, we'll do it, whether it's early in the process or later. Because of this attitude, I am confident that when it comes to baby Norby we're doing things juuuuuuust right.
No matter what happens, I guarantee we will be more prepared for our baby than these guys:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Months Vs. Years
When do parents stop saying their babies are 'x' months old and start using years instead? I don't want to be saying Norby is 216 months old when she starts college.
Watch this movie trailer below at the :50-1:00 mark for a funny take on this topic:
Watch this movie trailer below at the :50-1:00 mark for a funny take on this topic:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Top Notch Used Clothes

I often frequent a local used clothing store to update my wardrobe. It is a cost-effective way to rotate old clothes out and new clothes in, and with the brand name bargains I walk away with, I often feel like the male model above (minus the abs.) The best part is I can do this without having to attend a Shopaholics Anonymous meeting.
This place, which I refuse to name lest others find out about it's awesomeness, is located in an area of town where I am lucky the men who sell their clothes are super fashionable (read: gay), and even luckier the clothes fit me. For less money than it costs to buy a Banana Republic dress shirt, I can score a Hugo Boss one. Instead of shelling out beaucoup bucks for Kenneth Cole shoes, I can go in there and leave with a pair of Pradas. Getting that feeling of a shopping high without spending too much cash? Score!
This combination of frugality with a label whore's fashion sense has carried over into how we're preparing for Norby's arrival. We have been extremely fortunate to have lots of good friends who happen to have had baby girls recently, and are willing to give us the hardly worn and insanely cute clothes their girls have outgrown. As many parents know, and I have been constantly told, having a kid is VERY expensive. So if there are ways to cut down on costs, I'm all for it. Especially if we can do it and still have Norby look stylin'.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hiccups in the Womb

Helen was awaken the other day by a weird feeling in her tummy. She said it wasn't a kick, but something more 'rhythmic.' After consulting the interwebs, we found out it was probably Norby hiccuping!
What a funny thought- that our baby got gas from the amniotic fluid she was drinking. I can't help but picture Barney from The Simpsons burping, even though one has nothing to do with the other, and I am hopeful our little baby girl is better looking than Barney.
Speaking of absolute randomness, enjoy this Italian cartoon, about hiccups:
Monday, August 23, 2010
Week 24, a.k.a. Six Months

We have now reached the six month mark of Helen's pregnancy, longer than some of our friends' relationships (Jonas.) Norby is kicking up a storm on a daily basis, growing bigger and according to the experts is developing her central nervous system. As for Helen, there is no hiding the fact she is pregnant, which opens her up to lots of peoples' hands on her Buddha-esque belly.
So far it hasn't really happened that much, but I imagine it will soon, especially since we're seeing lots of family and friends in the coming weeks. I'm not the one with the belly, but think it would be partly fun if people asked to touch since you (and the baby) are the center of attention, but also partly annoying since you might not want people putting their hands on your stomach, especially if you're not feeling well, or they didn't Purel first.
What's the etiquette when it comes to pregnant belly touching? Do mommies-to-be feel like they need to 'take one for the team' because this is a joyful experience to be shared with everyone, or is the reaction more like, 'please don't touch me?'
I suppose one way to get people to not touch a pregnant woman's belly is have what happened to our friends J&J, who are also pregnant: J the husband was talking to his son in his wife's belly, and had his face right up to her stomach when the boy kicked him in the face!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Importance of Being Earnest -- and Employed

I recently switched jobs and have a few weeks off before the new one begins. I have to admit in these tough economic times and with a baby on the way, it is a little scary to not be working, even if it is only for a few weeks. In the past, I wouldn't have been too freaked out by the downtime, and would have taken advantage of my time off by taking the rest of the summer to travel, sleep in and have fun.
But for one of the first times in my life, I feel like I have a responsibility to someone other than myself (and Helen.) This means that while I have still been playing my share of tennis and video games, catching up with friends over lunch and going to barbecues and kicking butt in Taboo!, I am also acutely aware that I can't slack off too much, for too long.
Luckily, my new job starts soon so my worry level is pretty low and Helen, Norby and I will be set on health insurance. So I won't have to rely on my modeling career to bring home the bacon.

Friday, August 20, 2010
Not Exactly Pickles and Ice Cream

Late last night Helen craved Burger King fries. We did a little research and found one near our house, but when we called them, no one answered (who knew Burger Kings had telephone numbers?) She was a little bummed at the thought of having to 'settle' for fries from somewhere else, but I suggested we take a short drive to 'fast food row,' a street that has a Jack in the Box, McDonald's, KFC, Taco Bell, Subway and BK.
As luck would have it, the BK drive through was open and we were able to successfully score a large fries, which Helen and Norby ate with gusto. Not sure if that counts as a pregnancy craving, since I know lots of people who have the urge for fries late at night. Thankfully, we did not run into the Burger King King, who is a little frightening if you ask me.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kickin' It New School

Exciting stuff this morning when Helen called me into the bedroom, put my hand on her stomach and I felt Norby kicking! It could have been baby just moving around, but whatever it was, it was amazing.
I think it was no big deal for Helen since she's been able to feel our baby kicking internally for a few weeks now, but it was a new experience for me and made Norby seem all the more real -- not that I ever questioned her existence before, but to have that kind of close contact with her was cool. It also reminds me that her arrival is getting closer by the week...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Heat Wave

The past few days have been hotter than normal around here. We reached a record high of 95 yesterday, and I think we're close to setting another record today. While it's nothing like the hot and humid weather other parts of the country can experience, it is a little high for this neck of the woods and can make life very uncomfortable, especially for a pregnant woman and an unborn baby.
I have no idea whether the temperatures have had any effect on Norby or if it's just that she's getting older, but Helen says she's been kicking a lot more recently. We have been trying to take it easy and stay inside, rest and drink lots of water.
Thankfully we also invested in a portable air conditioner a few months back, and it has made sleeping MUCH more comfortable and has eliminated the need for us to run to Barnes & Noble, Starbucks or a movie theatre to find relief from the heat.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Helen!
Lots of good things happening recently. Today is my wife's birthday, she says Norby is kicking up a storm in her belly, we got LOTS of stylin' baby girl clothes from our friend Yuni, bought a stroller and have been generally enjoying life to the fullest. As my buddy Kevin likes to say, 'Heady times, indeed.'
All that's left to do now is go to Tulalip Casino and win some money. Baby needs a new pair of shoes! (Thanks Scott H, for reminding me about this clip.)
All that's left to do now is go to Tulalip Casino and win some money. Baby needs a new pair of shoes! (Thanks Scott H, for reminding me about this clip.)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Gucci Diapers and Burberry Binkies?

As we (very) quickly amass all sorts of baby stuff for Norby, I find myself becoming more and more educated about the kinds of different products out there and the different companies that produce them. What I'm finding is that it's secretly as much of a competition to have cool parent gear as it is to have the latest designer jeans, high-end hand bags or Air Jordans.

Just as there are different 'levels' of clothing stores (Nordstrom, Marshall's, Target) there are high, medium and low end baby companies. As much as I'd like to believe we don't care about having the 'cool' things for Norby, we definitely notice when other parents rock the latest diaper bag, have the 'nice' stroller or most state-of-the-art baby carriers.

I still have a lot to learn about baby gear 'name brands' but am getting smarter. I now even know what a PBK bedding set is. Soon, our conversations will sound less like 'Where'd you get those great sunglasses?' and more like 'So, did you up getting the Bob or McLaren stroller?'
SIDE NOTE: The title of this post could also refer to how freaking expensive baby stuff can be.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Saying a Little Prayer...
Just a quick shout out to all our friends and family who have had a rough go of it recently because of life's complications. Here's hoping things get better soon. Watching this might help, or at least make you smile:
Talking to Norby

When Helen and I were looking to buy new cell phones she asked my brother in law, who works for a wireless company, which phone would be best for a female teeny bopper. He gave his opinion and asked why. Helen replied, 'Because Derek is basically like a 14 year old girl - he texts and talks on the phone ALL the time.' Guilty as charged - I'm a regular Chatty Cathy.
As a communications professional I have no problems talking to anyone, anywhere. I have even started talking to our daughter. The baby books I've read say that she can now hear us, and that it is a good idea to speak to her so she can get familiar with our voices. The books also say some new parents might feel foolish talking to a pregnant woman's tummy, but I've had no problems having a one sided conversation with Helen's midsection.
I discuss my day with Norby, tell her how excited we are to meet her, thank her for being a good girl and encourage her to kick Helen every now and then just to let us know she's there. It's a really great bonding moment for me since I don't get to experience the physical part of the pregnancy.
Oh and in case you were wondering, my LG Envy phone is great - so good call by my wife and bro-in-law!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nesting or Shopaholic?
A while back I wrote about Helen's nesting stage. Not sure if this falls under the same category, but in recent days she has been preparing the house for Norby even more by buying lots of stuff. Check out the pic above- it's the crib that we purchased, put together (thanks for the help, Orben), bought a mattress for, covered said mattress with sheets, affixed a mobile above, and placed a couple of stuffed animals into. As I jokingly told my wife, 'now all we need to do is wait five months for the baby to arrive!' It didn't really make sense to me for us to put it together now, but as Helen reasoned, 'It's cute.'
Additionally, we've already picked up a bouncer, baby bathtub, activity mat, some clothes and are looking into purchasing a stroller. While this has all been great since we won't have to worry about that after the baby is born, it is slowly but surely filling up our already small home. It's not to the point of being Hoarders- baby edition, but things are definitely more crowded. And yes, the baby is still not due until December, as far as I know.
The saving grace is that Helen is a really smart shopper and has purchased these things mostly used and has made plans with many of our friends to take their little baby girl clothes off their hands. So we haven't been spending too much money. Yet.
As our good friend CC said to Helen, 'Dude, you need to STOP buying stuff so people have something to get you for your baby shower.' Good advice!
QUICK ASIDE: We went to Nordstrom Rack tonight, and I came this close to dropping $100+ on a D&G dress shirt (retail $325.) Ended up not pulling the trigger, but came close enough that I can never accuse Helen (or anyone else) of being a shopaholic.
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