Laies and gentlemen, may I present to you the world's first photo of Norbit (or 'Norbette' for those who think the baby is female.) This is the ultrasound we got when we went to the doctor's office last week. The technician told us Norbit's heart was beating at 170 bpms, which while fast for an adult is pretty normal for an eight-week old.
What a perfect Mother's Day gift. As our friend Keli said, 'This means the baby's real!' (Actually she said 'This mean's she's real,' since Keli is one of the many people hoping for a baby girl.)
At the OB/GYN, Helen lay on an examining table, and the technician squeezed some hot gel onto her stomach (insert your own inappropriate joke here.) Then she ran the machine over my wife's tummy and voila! we could magically see the baby. It was so cool. Seeing the heartbeat was amazing.
If you click on the image above, you can see more detail. The arrow is pointing to the baby's head, in case you were wondering. The first trimester is when major developments happen, and soon arms and legs, nose, eyes and ears and other vital body parts will start forming. This is why it's important that Helen eat right and not drink or smoke. We wouldn't want the baby to have a superfluous third nipple like Mark Wahlberg, or worse. Though a six-pack of 'baby abs' would be kick-ass! cute!
ReplyDeleteYuni- Are you talking about the ultrasound photo or Marky Mark's third nipple?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you already know this, but there is no scientific need for men to have nipples. They get developed in the womb regardless of gender. And of course it's the lil' peanut posing in the photo!
ReplyDeleteI have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?