So far Helen hasn't really exhibited any of the stereotypical characteristics of a pregnant woman- morning sickness, weird food cravings like pickles and ice cream, etc. In fact, besides a little soreness and fatigue, she's been holding up well so far.
The one thing that she has mentioned is that she cannot stomach grease. Can't stand the smell, the sight or the taste of it. That means no fries, cheeseburgers or any of the foods she used to love. I was stunned when we went to Red Mill Burgers recently and the only thing she had was a milkshake. That would be like going to the Louvre and only taking a picture of the men's room sign.
One of our friends told us being pregnant feels like having a hangover and food poisoning at the same time. That sounds pretty awful! So while I try to be sensitive to my wife's needs during the first trimester, I secretly revel in the idea that the next time we have a greasy meal, there will be more for me.
Not just food and smells either. There are cartoons like Yo Gabba Gabba that the kids still watch and that automatically kicks starts my brain the nausea from my 2nd pregnancy when Audrey would sit and watch it. At that time, I'd be so nauseaus from watching the show and my brain just brings it right back. Not sure why that is?