Kailyn is expanding her vocabulary, or to be more accurate saying more sounds, every day. The reason why I'm not sure whether it's words or sounds coming out of her mouth is because much of what she says could be considered either.
It turns out that baby talk can easily be misconstrued as speaking Chinese. For instance, Kailyn will walk around muttering, 'Mei Mei' which could just be her making sounds, or she could be saying 'little sister.' {Maybe she's dropping Helen some hints that it's time to open up the baby-making factory again.}
In Boston, Kailyn said, 'Yeh Yeh,' which again, could just be sounds or in this case, she could have been saying '(patneral) Grandpa.' Whatever it was, suffice it to say my dad was really happy. So much so he took to calling Kailyn 'Princess.'
Though chances are she is just babbling, the fact that her sounds can make people so happy if they think what she is saying is words is a good thing. So the next time she says, 'Da Da' and points to the toilet, I'm still going to think she's calling me by name.
She is obviously saying my name! DUH!