For a Boston sports fan it's been great because with the new channels, I've gotten the chance to watch the Bill Belichick documentary on NFL Network, see replays of the Stanley Cup Finals in NHL Network and follow the Red Sox live on MLB Network during this tense and crazy end to the regular season.

The feeling I have with the new channels reminds me of when I was in high school and my dad said he'd get us cable if my sister and I both made the honor roll (back then, cable was a privilege, not a right for teenagers.) Caroline kept up her end of the bargain but I kept coming up short. After a few sub-par report cards and the sinking realization the honor roll wasn't in my immediate future my dad gave up and got us cable anyway.
All I remember from those days was being addicted to ESPN and MTV's 'Remote Control.' Needless to say, I didn't make the honor roll for a while after we got cable, either.

*Fun fact of the day: According to Wikipedia, Remote Control host Ken Ober (above) was from Brookline, MA.
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