This weekend we had to take Kailyn to the ER in the middle of the night because she had a fever of 102. We figured it wasn't anything too serious, but we wanted to be safe just in case.
Once there, the doctor confirmed that it was indeed just a fever, so that made us feel better, but it still was a bit of a scare to have the baby wake up and cry in the middle of the night, especially since she's usually a pretty sound sleeper.
The good news was that even in the hospital at 3 a.m., Kailyn was still a happy baby, smiling and charming the staff. She didn't cry when we took off her onesie and placed her on the scale, when the nurse took her temperature 'the old fashioned way' or when the doctor put his cold stethoscope on her warm skin.
We have been relatively fortunate that this is her first real illness - we know some babies who seem to consistently be under the weather. Then again, Baby K drank breast milk since she was born which might have helped her immune system, and she isn't in day care so she's not as exposed to germs as some other kids might be.
While Kailyn being cold-free this long has been good news overall, I wonder if it will have any negative repercussions once she
does start interacting with other kids more frequently in day care or preschool or wherever.
Of course, we don't wish for Kailyn to turn into a sick kid but if she is, I'm sure Helen wouldn't mind too much if the next attending physician we see at the hospital looks like this (miss you, Tricia!):

Parents, what are your thoughts on whether it's better to have a healthy kid vs. having one who gets sick, but builds up a tolerance to germs?