Kailyn is developing almost daily. In addition to getting taller, heavier and almost being able to fit into my Air Jordans, she is also learning new stuff like how to sit upright on her own without tipping over, put a pacifier in her mouth by herself and shimmy/slide from a sitting position onto her back.
It's pretty neat to see all this, but it's what I'm hearing that's really making me smile: in addition to making her usual baby noises, she has learned to say 'Da da.' I'm pretty sure she isn't saying 'yes' in Russian or referring to me directly, since she utters that word at pretty much everything she looks at. But it's nice to pretend that is her way of saying 'Daddy.'
Hearing her say 'da da' will never get old for me, even though I have to admit after about 30 minutes of it I start thinking about this old car commercial:
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