As we count down the weeks until Norby arrives, we've resorted to amusing ourselves with timeless games like Twister and wagering on when we think Helen's due date will be. The guesses range from a few weeks early to one week late.
Helen has convinced herself the baby will be coming on the next full or new moon, which may be more wishful thinking than anything else, since she's remarked on more than one occasion that she'd like Norby to get out of her.
A colleague of mine mentioned this might not be the best mentality to have, since constantly thinking 'Today's the day' can get emotionally draining and make time go by slower. It's the baby equivalent of going to bed knowing you have to wake up early - then not being able to sleep because you're over thinking it. Or counting days the days til Christmas.
For those wondering, Norby's due date is 12/12/10. I have my guess but am taking other guesses. The person who guesses closest to the actual date gets to changer her 43rd diaper...
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