Helen's parents' place was the site of Norby's second baby shower. The turnout was impressive, the food was delicious and the presents people got Norby were extravagant. Thanks to all who attended and special thanks to those who helped set it all up (Michelle, Christine, Yuni, Helen's folks, Helen, etc.)
What's been funny is that at both baby showers we've had, Helen has either alluded to or straight-out said, 'I can't wait to see the presents people got ME!' When I've tried to correct her and say the presents are actually for our baby, she tells me I'm wrong. I just shake my head and laugh.
I suppose that's the least one can allow a pregnant woman - to let them believe these 'parties' are for them (not the baby) and have friends and family fawn all over them for the day. It's probably like a birthday or wedding. And if Helen is 1/10th of the attention seeker I am, then I know she's loving it.
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