As someone who does not have a baby but will soon, I can see both sides. I understand why some might feel a baby should be at left home until they are old enough travel without incident, but also understand that some parents either can't or don't want to leave their kid at home with the grandparents when they go on a trip.
Without any research or evidence other than the anecdotal kind, it is my belief that exposing a baby to travel early will help them become better travelers when they get older. Sort of the 'improving by doing' theory.
Helen and I talk about how we don't want to stop taking fun trips once Norbit arrives, both for our sake and his / hers. We plan to continue traveling to exotic locations so I can keep drinking virgin pina coladas, only with a baby in tow. Of course, that may change if we become 'those parents' and get dirty looks from other passengers for bringing a screaming baby on a long flight.

*This is where my 'Air Baby' idea comes into play - start up an airline, or just have certain flights on existing airlines, that are exclusively for parents and babies. It could be like 'Crybaby Tuesdays' at the movie theatre, where they show films especially for parents and their babies, and everyone who goes understands there may be crying and diaper changes during the film. Brilliant!
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