My little nephew BabyDavey (that's how we say his name, which ends up sounding like 'Beh-beh-dev-eh' when said quickly) is about a year and a half and recently had a fall in the bathtub, resulting in a nasty cut near his eye that required seven stitches to close. Poor kid!
He is pretty active and adventurous, so it's almost expected that he will get into some sort of mischief. More often than not when I see pictures of him, he has an occasional bump or bruise, causing him to look like he boxed a few rounds with Mike Tyson. Yet through it all, he remains smiley and happy, oblivious to the dangers around him.
Chez Delen is a pretty small place, but I'm sure there are still lots of hidden baby dangers lurking - I just don't know where they are, because we don't have a baby trying to be like Evel Knieval and hurl themselves into the glass dining room table at full speed.

As a precautionary measure, I think a good start would be to replace the hardwood floors with memory foam and go from there. The added bonus is that we could fall asleep on the floor in any room, at any time.