As the elder statesman of my department at work, my coworkers like to razz me every now and then (or everyday) about my oldness. A couple of examples:
I recently discovered the free online music source Pandora. If you've never used it, it's basically like a radio station on your computer where you can choose the genre(s) of music you want to listen to. It's nice to listen to songs while I'm at work (of course my choice of music, singing out loud and the resulting ridicule I receive for it, is a story for another blog.) I was excited to share that I'd caught onto this phenomenon, since I know Martha and Jordan are also fans. But when I went to tell the gang about my find, no one was very impressed. Sheppard even said to me, 'Welcome to 2007,' a not-so-subtle reference about how long others have been using Pandora.
My new obsession as of late has been eBay. I've known about it forever but never had any interest in participating either as a buyer or a seller. What I did instead was troll Craigslist for decent deals on clothing and other stuff (remind me to tell you the 'following a strange man into his garage' story sometime.) Anyway, it's likely a combination of my addictive personality, love of a bargain and gambling-like adrenaline rush that has gotten me hooked on eBay and buying things I don't really need. Once again, when I told my coworkers about it, they laughed at me and Sheppard this time said, 'Welcome to 1997.'
As I regress further and further back, I expect my next find will be something like 'cassingles' or pagers.