Hello, dear readers (all five of you.) Sorry for being MIA, but life kinda got in the way and I've been busy rearing a child. It feels as if I've not written in a long, long time even though it's only been a month. I was worried that you had all grown up and went away, like that episode of the Flintstones where Fred is 'Rip Van Flintsone,' falls alseep under the tree and wakes up years later, only to miss Pebbles' wedding.
In the time since I last made a blog entry, there have been a few interesting developments with Kailyn -
Three months: The baby is now three months old. Hard to believe she's been in our lives for 90 days.
First plane ride: We took a trip to Hawaii for a friend's wedding (which we missed, but that's a story for another time.) I had anxiety that Kailyn was going to be a terror on the flight, and that we'd be 'those' parents, the ones with the screaming baby who bothered the rest of the passengers. Amazingly, she was the exact opposite, sleeping, eating and being generally well behaved both to and from paradise. She even talked to a few of the passengers sitting next to us.
First laugh: While in Hawaii, I heard Kailyn laugh for the first time. I think she may have laughed before that, but I thought she might have been crying. This time, there was no doubt about it. I laughed, and she copied. I laughed some more and so did she. It was pretty cool.
Much Bigger: Many people think Kailyn is older than she is, mostly because she's a pretty big for her age. It's great that she has a hearty appetite and is already 15 lbs or so and drinks 5 oz. each meal.